Friday, December 4, 2009

Greetings from Groundhog Day

For those who've never seen the movie, the guy from Ghostbusters and Lost in Translation (forgotten his name) keeps living the same day over and over again in the movie Groundhog Day - which is what I've done today, 4th December. Right now I'm in Honolulu, having started the day in Solomon Islands. I flew to Fiji on Friday afternoon, then overnight via Samoa to Hawaii. Early on Friday morning, I hired a car and drove to Waikiki beach ... seemed like a plan!

Spent the morning (again) wandering along the beach, reading my book and browsing the shops. Waikiki wasn't a bit like I imagined ... much smaller. Sorry - no pictures, I forgot the new laptop doesn't have a card reader and didn't bring the camera cable. Have just sent the olds a postcard and am now in a hotel where I can rest before the flight to Vancouver tonight. Eish!!!!

Ahhh ... I remember his name - Bill Murray!