Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back to blogging

I haven't been to my blog for nearly 2 years but no-one has mentioned it so maybe no-one is reading this blog?

It's been a busy time with lots going on at COL and some fantastic new projects to work on. I do spend a lot more time on Facebook now - maybe I should take a break from that and spend more time here? I'll just have to re-learn how to do it ... and of course they've updated Blogger so it doesn't work the same anymore!

I've missed out on talking about trips to Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Nigeria, Jamaica, St Vincent, Rwanda, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and China! So I guess there's quite a lot to talk about and many photos to share.

And we've moved house and now live in a beautiful forest just off the Sea to Sky Highway to Whistler with an amazing view over Howe Sound. Here's a pic of our sunset taken just last week.

More soon ....