Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sorry for the long wait ... finally I have enough time to start the new blog. Just like Botswana News, here you will find irregular updates on what is going on with John & I in Vancouver, plus the mental meanderings I take from time to time.

Please email me occasionally - just to let me know that you're there. And for those of you who receive this blog by email - you'll need to actually visit the blog to get some of the goodies - this one will feature audio spots - so you'll be able to hear my dulcet tones as well as read my words. And you never know - there might even be the odd video!

All feedback gratefully received ... more soon

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sis !!!

    At last we can all keep up to date with what is happening on the Western Side of the world....

    Please let us know what is going on ???

    your ever loving bruv XxX JP.
