Saturday, April 24, 2010

New blog name?

I should probably call this blog On my way from Vancouver! The news never seems to be about Vancouver at all - just what I'm doing when I'm away from there.

Ok, let's change that. John and I have just bought a boat! She's currently called 'Blue Ice' and is a 32ft Bayliner Avanti power cruiser with 2 VERY big engines. John has been wanting a boat ever since I've know him - not much call for them when you live in Francistown or Windhoek though! So at last his dream has come true - which is nice. I had no intention of buying one but when he persuaded me to go and see some, I got on to this one and just loved it from the first moment - It's a bit like a caravan inside. I've left him at home fretting about moorage and insurance and all that good stuff. I'm sure it's going to cost us a fortune - but you're a long time dead and we decide it's about time we made the most of living in fantastic british Columbia. We're hoping to get a 'slip' (note nautical term) at a marina about 15 mintues drive from our house - from where we can get to lots of interesting islands and coastal places.

His plan is to drag me out of the house every weekend I'm a home (well in the summer anyway) to stop me from working all the time. Sounds like a plan.

Any of you who are planning to visit - remember to bring your sea legs!
It's just 2 weeks before mum and dad head west - looking forward to that.

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