Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time to go home

Victoria Inner Harbour & Empress Hotel
Of course the sun is shining today and Victoria looks glorious - the sea and sky are blue, there are multicoloured flowers in the hanging baskets all through the harbour and downtown area ... everyone is happy and smiling ... there are street markets and entertainers and .... we have to go home!

As we speak, we are winding our way between the beautiful Gulf Islands of the Spirit of Vancouver Island ferry on our way to Tsawassen. It's great that they have internet service except that I'm supposed to be writing a conference paper, not writing my blog!

All in all, a lovely weekend of R&R - just what the doctor ordered. We've eaten too much, laughed a lot, had some nice walks and of course, enjoyed some unparalleled shopping! And I'm looking forward to having a few more weeks at home/in the office before my next trip - which is going to be Bangladesh - New Zealand - Vanuatu! Stay tuned for more travel news ....


  1. Enjoyed the blog and must agree, Victoria is beautiful,I guess you also visited the Buchart gardens on your earlier visit?I will go back top Victoria every weekend if I can :-)

  2. Victoria is certainly one of my favorite places for some R&R.
