Monday, November 23, 2009

Tech nightmare in Honiara

Just to let you know that I have not been in contact because I am having huge problems with my new laptop from COL. It is locked down so tightly that I have no administrator rights to it - and for some reason I can't get onto the local internet prepaid service here. I am SO frustrated!!!

I had to come to my friend Katie's house so that our tech service in Vancouver could call me and talk me through how to fix the problem - but they were unable to do it. Now they've gone away to scratch their heads!

The project here is VERY challenging - we are trying to write national policy and strategic framework for the use of open and distance learning. Lots of consultations with stakeholders. I am working with a friend and colleague who I have known for many years - so it's good not to be on my own.

So just to let you all know I'm fine - but will not be in contact much while I am here. Due back in Vancouver on Saturday 5th December - after a whole day layover in Honolulu! It's a tough job but someone has to do it :-)

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