Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can't believe ...

... it has been so long since I last wrote on this blog ... and I have so much to tell you all that I don't know where to start!

I think I need to approach this in a more systematic way but here are the (very) edited highlights ...
* furniture arrived in Vancouver while I was in Solomons - John was not happy!
* mad panic when I got back to get unpacked and clear the guest room in time for Christmas
* Laurence & Aleisha came for Christmas - loads to share with you there
* we've taken up ice-skating!
* have been on snowy mountain walks
* we miss Sid and George - who are happy and healthy and still living in Francistown
* we miss our friends from Francistown - but at least Danielle and Tom are in Canada
* work at Commonwealth of Learning is exciting, challenging and frantic!
* Rwanda was accepted into the Commonwealth - yay!

All other news pales into insignificance against the news we received at the beginning of January that our friend Lesley had finally succumbed to the brain tumour which was diagnosed last year. Very sad for everyone who knows this remarkable family. Our love and thoughts go to Guy, Tess and Maggie - and we will always remember Les as the vibrant, funny, thoughtful, lovely person that she was. This is my favourite photo - taken of Les and I on my birthday.

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