Sunday, January 31, 2010


I've just finished a WikiEducator basic training coure. If you've never heard of WikiEducator - it is a system where educators all over the world can collaborate on the development of open educational resources. There are tens of thousands of people involved and the resources can be shared and used by anone. I've achieved Wiki Apprentice Level 2 and I'm hoping to get Level 1 when our facilitator takes a final look at my wiki page.

You can see it here...

It still needs a lot of work - but of course, I'm just a beginner!!

It's a good course (and ANYONE can do it) so I do recommend you try if, like me, you need to have wiki demystified. Go to to find out more

I have just learned the basic skills and now I need to start using them - or losing them - if I am really going to 'know' how to use a wiki. Now, where am I ging to find time for that?

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