Sunday, May 2, 2010

International consultant? Pah!

Post script to yesterday’s post – now there’s a mixture of ancient and modern language – does it make sense?

After seeing the fatal accident and the style of driving here, I now know why Nigerians always wish you ’journey mercies’ when you are travelling! I thought they were just being polite and hospitable ... but I think they mean it.

My years spent living in Rwanda have prepared me well for my work. I’ve learned to wash when there is water, read when there is light ... sleep when there isn’t! I know how to flush a toilet when there’s no running water and how to bathe when I only have a bucket. There is a geyser in my room and it has a red light on it – but I’ve yet to find out how to get the water out!

Last night I had to make a pillow for my bed by wrapping some clothes in a kikoy – because the bed pillow is about 10 inches high and made of stone! I know my Red Cross friends will say I’m a softie and I don’t have to put up with anything like what they sometimes go through, especially when they are in disaster management situations, but ....

My evening meal has just arrived and the toasted sandwich I ordered seems to have mutated into a plate of chips with tomato ketchup ... ah well, be grateful for small mercies – at least I have food. And I’m sure there’s a bar of chocolate somewhere about my baggage!

And I'm grateful to have internet ... even if it is a wet piece of string ... I have strategies for blogging in developing countries too. After losing so many posts because the power goes just as you hit 'publish' - I've learned to write my posts in Word before I put them on the blog - yay!

And I love being here in Africa even if Nigeria puts a whole different spin on it ... am I weird or something? I’ll still be glad to get home though ... especially as the wrinklies (aka my parents) will arrive in Vancouver next week. They’re on their way to Toronto first to visit Niagra Falls – thanks Danielle, I owe you plenty ... then they come to us. Look out Canada!

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