Saturday, May 22, 2010

Next stop Lusaka, Zambia

I’m on my way to Zambia and then Rwanda – last planned trip for some time (apart from the train journey across the Canadian Rockies – but that’s another story!)

In Zambia we are working with the Ministry to develop national policy that will help technical colleges to introduce more flexible delivery methods into their programmes. The aim is to help increase access to technical and vocational training. We are supporting a national stakeholders’ meeting to discuss a draft policy and strategic framework development by my friend George Herd. We worked together in Botswana for 3 years.

We are both attending the eLearning Africa conference. First we have a pre-conference workshop on ICT in TVET where both George & I are presenting – and we have to manage group work with 80 participants! We will be launching the new COL Flexible Skills Development Initiative – which we are piloting in Zambia, Kenya and Nigeria. Then we get to just enjoy the conference. It will be a huge gathering of people involved in all forms of elearning in Africa. I hope to meet some interesting people and learn about their experiences .... exciting times!

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