Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nigeria is SO Africa ... but SO full on. It's like everything I've experienced in Africa in the past 13 years - all at the same time. Everything is very familiar to me but there is just so much of it. I can't begin to describe the number of people, the cars, the mile after mile.

I was taken to a market today and it went on and on, stall after stall, dark alleyways, drains, steps and bumps, holes in the ground ... water, people ... school children, stall holders, shoppers, barrow boys .... the colours, the fabrics, plastic and tin ... smells, drains and fruit and sweat and heat ... sounds, music, laughing, calling out to me ... Obiyo, Obiyo (muzungu in Kiswahili) We were only there for about 15 minutes because it was just too intense.

I have to be on the road in 8 hours and I still need to sleep and finish about 4 emails and pack 2 suitcases and a backpack ... better get on with it.

Had a great final day at the workshop today – haven’t read the evaluation forms but they said some very nice things about me and the work we’ve done together & I think I’ve helped them to get where they’re going. They held a party for me and there was dancing and singing and we’ve had a lot of laughter this week – so that must be good! Nigerians are really the most hospitable people and good fun to boot!

BTW - I wrote this last night but the power went off so I'm posting it from Lagos airport - and this version of Blogger comes from an arabic country - so all the commands are in arabic. I didn't think I'd be able to sign in - until I realised it reads right to left - then I guessed and found the right button - yay!

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