Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blue Mountains

OK, I'm about 5 days behind myself but let's try to catch up...

The Blue Mountains are a welcome respite from the heat of Kingston - the air is cool and as we got higher and higher the fog came in and it was white and eerie. The roads were pretty good until we got near the top where the rain had washed some of the tarmac away. The only danger was from the local drivers who live in massive houses up there - they drive on the single track road at high speed. We stopped off at Newcastle Barracks - where the British forces were stationed and saw all the crests of the various battalions. Gordon was full of stories about the history of the site.

We visited The Old Tavern coffee plantation and were warmly welcomed by Dorothy Tynman who showed us where Miss Pansy sorts the beans and she roasts them. I was a little alarmed when Dorothy invited me to taste the beans (yes, chew them raw - yuk!) She made us coffee and told us all about the plantation and her life there. Now I'm not a coffee drinker but even I enjoyed Dorothy's coffee. I bought a bag of beans for John.

We also visited Strawberry Hill hotel - the most beautiful spot on the edge of the mountain overlooking the whole of Kingston and the sea. The rim pool looks devine and the rooms are very cool and colonial. There was a lady playing fantastic jazz and it looked like a wonderful place to spend a weekend away from the city. Apparently it is owned by the guy who used to be Bob Marley's manager! I've got loads of photos but still no way to upload to this computer - go here to see more pics http://www.islandoutpost.com/strawberry_hill/

So if you have a spare few thousand and want a two centre holiday - I recommend a week on a Jamaican Beach and then head up into the hills and relax at Strawberry Hills... perfect!

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