Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kingston to Port of Spain

It is really not so far from Jamaica to trinidad but this journey took me about 10 hours - because we stopped in both Antigua and Barbados. After the first stop I was squashed in with 2 very large ladies on their way to Guyana - big hair, big ladies, lots of gold jewellry and about 6 items of cabin baggage each! The situation was not improved when a baby vomitted 2 rows in front of us!

But my arrival in Port of Spain was a real surprise. The airport was clean and quiet and everything went very smoothly. For the first time I used my official passport so I cleared Immigration and Customs very quickly ... my bag was second off the plane and I was in a taxi and speeding towards the hotel within 30 minutes - bliss!

PoS was NOTHING like I envisaged. I had no idea that Trinidad has oil and gas and the city is very modern and developed - although squashed in with incredible old colonial buildings. Many systems are very British and I feel very much at home here. People tell me that there is a problem with corruption and not enough of the oil dollars help to rebuild the country - which is a shame.

Hotel is ok - people are very friendly and I am spreading my time between various Ministries and a training institute - so spending a good deal of time in vehicles. Far more than I need to but the worst thing about PoS is the traffic is the very worst I have ever encountered ... anywhere!!!

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