Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Do you want to know what is surprising about Trinidad? Did you think it was a Caribbean beach holiday island full of tourists? Well I did ... and it's not! It is very industrialised and there's not a tourist in sight. The hotels are all business hotels and the place is full of oil company types.

They have fantastic shopping malls and the government offices are clean and bright - if a little cramped - toilets are clean and there is generally good infrastructure - apart from the roads which I have already told you about. Even the mutatus (minibus taxis) are clean and shiny and don't have any dents or hanging-off bumpers or chickens/mattresses/bananas on top .... not what I'm used to at all!

Some of the architecture is out of this world - here is a picture of my favourite (new) building - the National Academy for the Performing Arts.

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