Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time to go home

Well my time in Trinbago is over although I wouldn't say the work is done. It has been a hectic week but one of the brightest spots has been meeting one of the 2 COL Focal Points in the country - Karen. Karen has given up most of her week to work with me, arranged meetings and transport and driven me back and forth across the island. She even took me to buy a dress even though she hates shopping! I thank her for the time she gave me and the great conversations we have had as I've learned about this compex country and together we have tried to plan the way forward for COL's contribution to distance and felxible learning in TVET.

I've also spent a good deal of time with the curriculum development team working on an in-service TVET instructor training programme. I'm hoping for good things from this group. My morning today was spent with representatives from all the TVET stakeholders and we had a very useful exchange about the use of technology and distance methodologies in their work. I've met Ministers and Permanent Secretaries and TVET Directors and Managers and now it is time to go home.

I don't know when I'll be back ... but I've certainly enjoyed being here. Thanks to one and all.

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