Saturday, March 13, 2010

On my way ...

... again - back to Africa this time. I have a stopover in London where I'm meeting with the Girl Guides Association - I'm hoping that we can work together to develop elearning materials for leadership training. I may even manage to meet Naomi & Johan who recently moved to London to work at the South African High Commission - hope so.

Then it's on to Zambia where we are looking at national policy for introducing technical and vocational education (TVET). I am only there for 2.5 days and the team there had a plan to drive me all the way up to the Copperbelt but I hope I've persuaded them to stay in Lusaka. I would have met my friends Richard and Trish - but Richard has just taken a job in Sudan and Trish is now back in Scotland.

Next I go to Kenya where I have meetings in Nairobi before driving for about 4 hours to Meru where am supporting a materials development workshop to create a distance degree programme for community health nurses. Back to Nairobi for more meetings and I hope to catch up with Flora and Tony Okuku who used to live in Botswana and also my Team leader from Rwanda, Harvey and his wife Helga, who now live in Nairobi.

Finally, I'm going home ... home to Namibia that is. I've got a week there meeting lots of different organisations and it will be great to see old friends and colleagues. My only sadness is that Sharon will be on a school field trip to the desert so I shall miss her - but especially looking forward to seeing Rachel and her little lad Ben.

I'm back in Vancouver on Good Friday and planning to eat a lot of chocolate!

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